Продукти за бели капака (65)

Жасмин ориз - Зърнени храни в специална опаковка

Жасмин ориз - Зърнени храни в специална опаковка

Rice for true gourmets. Flawless white color and a subtle note of jasmine is about Jasmin rice from TM "TERRA"
Бананови чипсове 500Г Vivio

Бананови чипсове 500Г Vivio

Bananenchips, die von Bananen zubereitet werden, die viel Kalium enthalten, sind ein großartiger Snack zu Hause, auf Reise, Schule oder Arbeit. Sie ersetzen Süßigkeiten perfekt, sind lecker und knusprig. Wie ihre rohen Gegenstücke sind Bananenchips eine reichhaltige Quelle für solche Vitamine wie: A, B, D, E und K. Dank einer solchen Komposition haben Bananenchips positiv auf das Blut ausgewirkt Druck, Kampf stört sich mit Muskeln und verbessern unsere Stimmung und unsere Brunnen. Getrocknete Bananen enthalten auch Serotonin, eine Substanz, die unseren Humor positiv beeinflusst und sich gut sicherstellt. Serotonin beeinflusst auch das Nervensystem, hilft bei Stress und erleichtert das Einschlafen. Daher lohnt es sich, Bananenchips für Menschen zu empfehlen, die an Schlaflosigkeit leiden und im Allgemeinen schlecht mit Stress umgehen. Strong> Ernährungswert in 100 g </strong> Energiewert 2225 kJ/533 kcal - 26%RWS*Fett 31G - 44%einschließlich gesättigter Fettsäuren einschließlich gesätti
Доматен пастет 200 г

Доматен пастет 200 г

Pyszny i zdrowy pomidorowy pasztet przygotowany na bazie ciecierzycy, pieczonych warzyw takich jak marchew, cebula, seler z dodatkiem suszonych pomidorów. Znakomicie nadaje się jako dodatek do pieczywa, kanapek czy tostów. Ma lekką konsystencję, łatwo się rozsmarowuje, ma przyjemny, lekko pikantny smak. Zawiera białko, błonnik, witaminy i minerały.&nbsp;<strong>Skład:</strong> gotowana ciecierzyca 34,8% (ciecierzyca, woda), pieczone warzywa 28% (marchew, cebula, seler), woda, olej słonecznikowy, suszone pomidory 1,9%, ocet jabłkowy, sól morska, czosnek, przyprawy i zioła (może zawierać śladowe ilości gorczycy i soi)&nbsp;<strong>Wartości odżywcze w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 557kJ/133kcalTłuszcz 8,4gw tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 1,1gWęglowodany 9,3gw tym cukry 2,4gBiałko 3,4gBłonnik 3,4gSól 0,8g&nbsp;<strong>Stosowanie</strong>Do smarowania pieczywa, kanapek i tostów.&nbsp;<strong>Uwagi</strong>Po otwarciu przechowywać w lodówce i spożyć w ciągu 48 godzin.
Черен Ориз 1000г VIVIO - Черен Ориз 1000г VIVIO

Черен Ориз 1000г VIVIO - Черен Ориз 1000г VIVIO

Ryż czarny, po ugotowaniu nabiera fioletowego odcienia, dlatego nazywany jest też fioletowym. Tak jak ryż brązowy jest niełuskany dlatego bogaty w błonnik, witaminy, szczególnie witaminę E i minerały: żelazo, cynk, miedź.Ryż czarny gotuje się dłużej niż inne ryże, od pól godziny do godziny, zawsze będzie delikatnie chrupiący. Często wykorzystuje się go przygotowania zdrowych deserów, np. deseru ryżowego z mlekiem kokosowym.Ryż czarny jest bogaty w antyoksydanty odpowiedzialne za zwalczanie wolnych rodników, tym samym chroniące nas przed stanami zapalnymi i wieloma schorzeniami oraz opóźniające starzenie się komórek.&nbsp;<strong>Skład:</strong> ryż brązowy&nbsp;<strong>Wartości odżywcze w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 1498kJ/354kcal - 18% RWS*Tłuszcz 3,2g - 5%w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 0,8g - 4%Węglowodany 72g - 28%w tym cukry 0,7g &lt;1%Białko 7,7g - 15%Błonnik 3,1gSól 0,03g &lt;1%*RWS - Referencyjna Wartość Spożywcza&nbsp;<strong>Stosowanie</strong>Ryż przepłukać zimna wodą
Нахут - Нахут в търговски опаковки

Нахут - Нахут в търговски опаковки

We offer retail packed products our brand Grino and also white label services to pack under clients brand, please contact us for more details and check our other products. Chickpeas belong to the group of legumes. The taste of chickpeas is slightly sweet, with a discreet nutty flavor, delicate and creamy. Chickpeas are not yet as popular in Poland as they are in Eastern European countries. Chickpeas are a plant that is an excellent source of protein, and also has a very large amount of amino acids necessary for the functioning of the body. Due to the fact that it has a large amount of nutritional value, it is very valuable for the entire body.
Mijo 1000g

Mijo 1000g

El mijo está hecho de mijo. Ayuda a contrarrestar la acidificación del cuerpo, fortalece la inmunidad y es nutritiva y fácilmente digerible. Naturalmente está libre de gluten. Su gran ventaja es el alto contenido de vitaminas B, hierro hematopoyético y cobre. Es una excelente fuente de fibra dietética y potasio, magnesio, calcio y sodio. Proporciona al cuerpo una proteína fácilmente digerible y carbohidratos complejos, que son la base de una dieta saludable. El mijo atrapado tiene un efecto antiviral y de fortalecimiento, ayuda a restaurar el equilibrio ácido-base del cuerpo. El grupo B y las vitaminas de hierro tienen hematopoyetia. El mijo ayuda a reducir la inflamación en el cuerpo, trabaja el calentamiento, mejora el metabolismo, mejora la concentración y el recuerdo. El alto contenido de los compuestos de calcio y sílice fortalece los dientes y los huesos. - 4%incluye ácidos grasos saturados 0.4g - 2%de carbohidratos 72.1g - 28%incluyendo azúcares 0.8g - 1%de proteína 10.
Сушени цели боровинки 1000g - Vivio

Сушени цели боровинки 1000g - Vivio

Żurawina suszona cała to naturalne owoce wysuszone w całości o wyrafinowanym cierpko-słodkim smaku. Owoce kształtem przypominają suszone rodzynki, ale są od nich większe, cechują się soczystą barwą i elastyczną konsystencją. Owoce żurawiny znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w kuchniach całego świata.Owoce żurawiny są bogatym źródłem witamin (C, witaminy z grupy B, E, K), minerałów (sodu, potasu, fosforu, wapnia, magnezu, manganu, żelaza), błonnika, kwasów organicznych, karotenoidów, flawonoidów, garbników i pektyn. Żurawina nie traci swoich właściwości podczas obróbki termicznej, dlatego, z korzyścią dla zdrowia, można spożywać jej przetwory, które nie są tak cierpkie jak owoce świeżej żurawiny.Żurawina świetnie się sprawdza w profilaktyce nawrotów infekcji dróg moczowych. Zakwasza mocz, co prowadzi do zabicia bakterii znajdujących się w pęcherzu moczowym. Dodatkowo, zawarte w żurawinie kwasy redukują przyczepność bakterii, dzięki czemu wydalane są z moczem.
Бадемови Плочки 250г

Бадемови Плочки 250г

Les flocons d'amande, ainsi que les amandes eux-mêmes, sont riches en nutriments. Ils contiennent des vitamines, des minéraux, des protéines et des fibres, ont donc des effets de promotion de la santé. Ils ont une teneur élevée en graisses insaturées saines. Les graisses insaturées sont une composante indispensable d'une alimentation saine. On pense que leur consommation régulière peut réduire le niveau global de cholestérol. Les miged sont riches en vitamine E, un antioxydant bien connu, une substance qui arrête les processus d'oxydation, éliminant ainsi les veines et empêche les maladies cardiaques et ralentit le vieillissement cellulaire. On pense que les amandes contribuent à maintenir des os sains à travers le calcium, le magnésium, le manganèse, le cuivre, la vitamine K, les protéines et le zinc. De plus, les amandes contiennent: b vitamines, fibres et phosphore. & Nbsp; <strong> Composition: </strong> amands & nbsp; <strong> valeur nutritionnelle en 100g </strong> valeur énergét
Черен Ориз 1000г Vivio

Черен Ориз 1000г Vivio

Le riz noir, après la cuisson, prend une teinte violette, c'est pourquoi elle est aussi appelée violet. Tout comme le riz brun n'est pas servi, donc riche en fibres, vitamines, en particulier la vitamine E et les minéraux: fer, zinc, cuivre. Le noir est cuit plus longtemps que les autres riz, d'une demi-heure à une heure, il sera toujours légèrement croquant. Il est souvent utilisé pour préparer des desserts sains, par exemple le dessert de riz avec du lait de coco. Le noir est riche en antioxydants responsables de la lutte contre les radicaux libres, nous protégeant ainsi contre les états inflammatoires et de nombreuses maladies, et retardant le vieillissement cellulaire. NBSP; <strong> Valeurs nutritionnelles dans 100 g </strong> valeur d'énergie 1498KJ / 354Kcal - 18% RWS * FAT 3,2 g - 5%, y compris les acides gras saturés 0,8 g - 4% de glucides 72 g - 28%, y compris les sucres 0,7 g & LT; 1% de protéine 7,7 g - 15% de fibre 3,1 gsól 0,03 g & lt; 1% * RWS - Valeur alimentaire de réf
Моментална Каша От Жълти Грахчета С Порк - Кашата е солена

Моментална Каша От Жълти Грахчета С Порк - Кашата е солена

When you can't spend a single minute, there is no time to stand by the stove. In this case, TM "TERRA" comes to the rescue. A diverse range of instant cereals will help diversify breakfasts, have a hearty lunch and a delicious dinner. Yellow pea porridge with pork deserves special attention.
Жасмин ориз 1000г

Жасмин ориз 1000г

Jasmine rice is a species of long -grained rice, which is bred primarily in Thailand and used in Asian cuisine. In addition to Thailand, which is its main supplier, jasmine rice is currently grown in Cambodia, southern Vietnam and Laos. One of its characteristic features is a slightly noticeable, sweet fragrance reminiscent of jasmine - this is where its name came from. It also has a specific, very slightly sweet taste, sometimes referred to as honey. Jasmine has a lot of nutritional values. First of all, it is a great source of carbohydrates and protein, and at the same time has little fat, so it is often chosen by people practicing sport or slimming. It can also be consumed by those who have digestive problems - jasmine rice is easily digestible and does not burden the stomach, although it leaves a feeling of satiety. Rice is a gluten -free product. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins, vitamin E and potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and phosphorus.
Jarzynka 1000g

Jarzynka 1000g

Jarzynka Spice est une épice universelle pour de nombreux plats. Il était basé sur des légumes séchés et des herbes et du curcuma. Souligne parfaitement le goût des plats et leur donne un agréable arôme végétal. Jarzynka ne contient aucun additif chimique inutile, les amplificateurs de levure ou de saveur. & Nbsp; <strong> Composition: </strong> sel, sucre, panadip, carottes, maïs, oignon, poire & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> légume est ajouté aux soupes, sauces, ragoûts, salades et autres plats, ce qui leur donne un agréable arôme végétal et met l'accent sur le goût des plats préparés.
Царевично семе 450г

Царевично семе 450г

Corn semolina is corn grits, ranging in size from 300 to 800 microns (the size of semolina). This product does not contain gluten. Cold milling technology (t < 40°C) allows to retain most of the vitamins and minerals. Weight:450 g
Ванилова захар - Опаковки

Ванилова захар - Опаковки

In 1502, a cup of chocolate with vanilla was presented to Christopher Columbus by the local ruler - as a sign of great honor. Later, a great honor turned to the Aztecs a great tribute, which was paid all the same vanilla. Use for Use for baking, hot and cold drinks, decoration of dessert dishes. Nutritiona value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 27,4 Fats (g / 100g)… 1,2 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 4,0 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 247
Китайско сушено зеле - HoReCa

Китайско сушено зеле - HoReCa

Peking cabbage was popular in Europe only in the Asian quarters until the middle of the 20th century. But in the past few decades, she has been at the peak of culinary popularity, including in Russia. Its nutritional value and excellent taste are preserved in the dried product. It is from dried Beijing cabbage that a delicious Korean soup of siriag-cook is prepared, as well as national dishes Namul, Ttige, and Bale. Companions of dried Chinese cabbage, helping her to reach her full taste potential, are garlic and onions. Use for Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes meat, poultry and game dishes. Taste Piquant, sweetish Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 26 Fats (g / 100g)… 3,5 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 34 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 270
Прах от Асаи

Прах от Асаи

Acai powder contains potassium, copper, magnesium, lots of vitamins, fiber, Omega-3, phytosterols, healthy unsaturated fats. Regular use of Acai berries improves the natural detoxification of the body. Net Weight:28 gr. Gross Weight:420 gr. Shelf Life:18 months Storage conditions:Store at a temperature of 18 ± 3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening, sto Nutritional value per 100 gr.:Proteins - 9g, fats - 54g, carbohydrates - 34.5 g (including fiber - 32g) Energy value per 100 g of product (kcal / kJ):530 kcal (2220 kJ) Ingridients:Dried acai berry Organic:No Raw:Yes Gluten free:Yes
Цейлонска канела

Цейлонска канела

Im 16. Jahrhundert entdeckten portugiesische Eroberer Ceylon-Zimt in Sri Lanka und brachten dieses Gewürz im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert nach Europa. Ceylon-Zimt wird aus wildwachsenden Bäumen gewonnen, die Wuchshöhen bis zu 10 m erreichen und in den Wäldern von Ceylon und Südindien wild wachsen. Dieses Gewürz wird aus der feinsten Innenrinde hergestellt, die von drei Jahre alten Trieben geschnitten wurde. Echter Ceylon-Zimt ist ein stark duftendes und geschmacklich hervorragendes Gewürz. Jeder, der schon einmal ihn probiert hat, weiß gut Bescheid, welche unterschiedlichen Geschmacksqualitäten dieses Gewürz haben soll. Kohlenhydrate (g / 100 g):4,0 Fett (g / 100 g):3,0 Eiweiß (g / 100 g):28 Brennwert (kcal):160 Mindestens:18 Monate haltbar Nettogewicht (g):30
Овесени зърна за покълване 300г

Овесени зърна за покълване 300г

Oat sprouts can be added to salads and ready meals. It is a great way to diversify your daily diet and enrich it with vitamins. Weight:300 g
Опаковка за Гречка

Опаковка за Гречка

In unserem Angebot finden Sie Verpackungen für verschiedene Arten von Grütze, wie Buchweizen-, Gerste-, Hirsegrütze, Grießbrei usw. Je nach Anwendung bieten wir semitransparente Verpackungen an, die es ermöglichen, die Ware zu präsentieren oder mit einer Schutzschicht komplett bedruckte Verpackungen, die vor Sonnenlicht schützen. LDPE mit antistatischen Zusätzen hat einen günstigen Einfluss auf die Verpackung von staubigen Produkten. DIE VERWENDETEN STRUKTUREN:BOPP/BOPP, BOPP/CPP, BOPP/LDPE
Хлорела на прах

Хлорела на прах

Chlorella has a powerful alkalizing effect. It’s a strong antioxidant, as well as an excellent source of vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. Net Weight:28 gr. Gross Weight:420 gr. Shelf Life:24 months Storage conditions:Store at a temperature of 18 ± 3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening, sto Nutritional value per 100 gr.:Proteins - 56g, fats - 13.5g, carbohydrates - 17g Energy value per 100 g of product (kcal / kJ):320 kcal (1385 kJ) Ingridients:Chlorella microalga Organic:No Raw:Yes Gluten-free:Yes
Кокосови стърготини - HoReCa

Кокосови стърготини - HoReCa

In cooking, coconut flakes are used mainly in the confectionery business. It is added to different cakes, sweet rolls and pastries, both as a delicate fragrant filling and as a delicious decoration for the finished product. Coconut flakes are also used in the coating of chocolate treats, food bars, ice cream icing, crackers, crispy cookies, muesli, sweets and many other desserts. Use for Desserts, pastries, cookies, any bakery products, sauces, meat and fish dishes. Taste Delicate, sweet with a coconut smell Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 5,0 Fats (g / 100g)… 50 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12 Energy value (kcal / 100g)…520
Царевично нишесте

Царевично нишесте

Corn starch is often used in ketchup, mayonnaise, various sauces and puddings, as well as pie fillings. This product can also help if you need to make the dough less glutenous and give it some tenderness and softness. Corn starch has slightly more calories than potato starch. This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries. Weight:400 g
Прах от гуарана

Прах от гуарана

Guarana contains high levels of caffeine. It stimulates up to 5 times stronger than coffee, and at the same time doesn’t stress the heart, due to its slow digestion. Net Weight:28 gr. Gross Weight:420 gr. Shelf Life:12 months Storage conditions:Store at a temperature of 18 ± 3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening, sto Nutritional value per 100 gr.:Proteins - 13 g, fats - 3.5 g, carbohydrates - 59 g (including fiber - 16 g) Energy value per 100 g of product (kcal / kJ):290 kcal (1210 kJ) Ingridients:Guarana powder. Organic:No Raw:Yes Gluten free:Yes
Гореща супа от пшенично брашно

Гореща супа от пшенично брашно

Package Quantity : 72 x 65g Artikel Nr: 21150 Grams: 65g
Киноа зърна за покълване 600г

Киноа зърна за покълване 600г

Green buckwheat sprouts go well with everything green! For example, with herbs, avocado, cucumber, celery. By including sprouted buckwheat in your daily diet, you acquire strong immunity, good health, a feeling of lightness and an excellent mood. Weight:600 g
Моментна овесена каша с крем 'С малини'

Моментна овесена каша с крем 'С малини'

Instant oat flakes, instant vegetable cream, granulated sugar, sea salt, dried raspberries. Method of preparation: the contents of the Package pour 80-160 ml of boiling water. Mix thoroughly, cover. After 3-5 minutes, the porridge is ready for use. The product does not require cooking. Proteins (g / 100g):8,0 Fats (g / 100g):12,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g):65,0 Energy value (kcal / 100g):400,0
Безглутенова царевична семолина

Безглутенова царевична семолина

Corn semolina is corn grits, ranging in size from 300 to 800 microns (the size of semolina). This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries. Weight:450 g
Какаови зърна - натурални

Какаови зърна - натурални

Natural organic raw cocoa beans Net weight:100 g Energy value per 100 g:565 kcal Shelf life:18 months
ПОДГОТВЕНИ СМЕСИ ЗА ДЕСЕРТИ - Прах за кокосов Mugcake за печене

ПОДГОТВЕНИ СМЕСИ ЗА ДЕСЕРТИ - Прах за кокосов Mugcake за печене

Coconut Mugcake is a powder for baking healthy muffins in the microwave with coconut and vanilla flavor Sugar free, gluten free. A source of protein and dietary fibers. It contains prebiotics. Delicious and flavored cake with balanced ingredients in 5 minutes. Easy and quick to cook. No oven, no blender, no extra utensils. A healthy dessert. Suitable for nutrition and diets. Rich in proteins, healthy carbohydrates and dietary fibers - ideal for breakfast or snack. No sucrose, glucose, fructose, or other added sugars. To bake a cupcake, you will need a large mug, fork, microwave, egg, kefir or yogurt, and Mugcake powder. Cooking instructions: beat one egg with a fork in a large mug, add 60-80 g of kefir or yogurt. Stir, add 2 flat tablespoons of the Mugcake powder. Bake in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Cool slightly, remove from the mug, cut into pieces and eat with yogurt, jam, nut paste, etc. Net weight, kg:0,164 Gross weight, kg:0,164 Dimensions (D * W * H), cm:5 * 12 * 16 Package: gross weight:4,94 Dimensions (D * W * H), cm:28*20*30 Number of pieces (kg) per pallet:2400 Number of boxes per pallet:80
Чиа семена - натурални органични чиа семена

Чиа семена - натурални органични чиа семена

Natural organic chia seeds Net weight:100 g Energy value per 100 g:443 kcal Shelf life :18 month